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How to Free Up Space in Gmail Tips to follow

If you use Gmail, Google Photos and Google Drive and the storage is completely full, then you have two options – first, either buy more storage or free up the existing storage. Google provides a total of 15GB of free storage with all accounts that is used across all tools. Google starts sending warnings when the storage becomes full.

Google storage is shared between Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. These tools stop working when the storage is completely full. You can send and receive emails through Gmail. Google’s Storage page shows you how much space is taken up across Drive, Gmail, and Photos. Today we are telling you how to free up space in Gmail by deleting the existing content.

How to free up Gmail storage:

Delete unread e-mail
You can delete unread e-mails. Go to Gmail inbox, click on the drop-down menu next to the checkbox and select Unread, or type is:unread in the search bar to open unread messages. You can delete all unread messages one by one or 50 messages at once. Then after that you can click on the checkbox next to it and click on the delete button.

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Delete old emails
To delete old emails, you can search for them and delete them. Apart from this, go to the search bar and type “before: 2020” and write the year till which you want emails. After this, all the emails will be visible in the search bar, which you can delete. Then after that you can click on the checkbox next to it and click on the delete button.

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Delete large emails
If you want to free up more storage at once, then type “has:attachment larger:5M” in the Gmail search bar, after this all those emails will be visible which have attachments larger than 5MB. You can choose the size smaller or larger than 5MB as per your choice. Then after that you can click on the checkbox next to it and click on the delete button.

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Delete 50 messages at once
Delete everything in your inbox in one batch (up to 50 messages at once) to free up Gmail space.

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How to delete from different tabs
You can check and delete the entire box by going to the Primary tab, Promotion tab and Social tab at the top of the inbox.

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Delete spam email
Sometimes Gmail marks emails from senders outside your domain as spam. By going to the Spam section, you can delete 50 emails one by one or simultaneously.

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How to delete trash email
When you delete emails from all places, then all the deleted messages go to the Trash section. Here you can empty 50 emails at once or the entire trash section.

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